7 самых интересных мест в Красноярске
Заповедник СТОЛБЫ
Скальный район вблизи миллионного города, ну где еще такое есть. 7 километров от города и вы в живописной сибирской тайге в окружении десятков интересных скал.
Но главная достопримечательность заповедника это СТОЛБИЗМ – сочетание веселья людей на скалах, без страховочного лазания, общения и конечно особого отношения к природе.
Именно столбисты около 100 лет назад основали заповедник, чтобы город не разрушал скалы и природу, не нарушал этого бережного взаимоотношения горожан со скалами.

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Горнолыжный комплекс БОБРОВЫЙ ЛОГ
We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
Парк флоры и фауны
We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
Красноярская ГЭС
We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
Музейный центр

We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
Краеведческий музейный
We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
Видовые площадки
над Енисеем,
над городом и часовня Параскевы Пятницы

We can do a facinating scribing for your business. Design thinking has not yet been fully embraced by business leaders as a means to navigate the constant rate of change in today's climate.
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