Красноярск 2024
PR специалист, организатор публичных выступлений, копирайтер.
Организация КВИЗов

Personal response depends on the viewer's individual thoughts and values. This might be sometimes in conflict with cultural values. Also when a viewer has viewed an image from a personal perspective, it is then hard to change the viewer's perception of the image, even though the image can be seen in other ways.
Организация PR событий

An image's view can arise from the history of the use of media. Some images are viewed differently due to the use of different (new) media throughout times. For example: The result of using the computer to edit images (e.g. Photoshop) is quite different when comparing images that are made and edited by hand.
Работа с контентом

Создание контента для PR и маркетинговые задач. Интервью, копирайтинг, публикации в соцсетях, создание сайтов, лендингов. Создание аудио, фото, видео.
Готовые проекты
100 ideas that changed graphic design
Visual communication takes place through pictures, graphs, and charts, as well as through signs, signals, and symbols. It may be also used independently.
How to be a graphic designer
Cultural perspective involves identity of symbols. The uses of words that are related with the image, the use of heroes in the image, etc.
Critical writings on graphic design
The view of images in the critical perspective is when the viewers criticize the images, and the critiques have been made in the interest of the society.
Обо мне
Юлия Метельская
PR специалист, организатор публичных выступлений, журналист, копирайтер.
Мне 41 год, 20 из них я работаю с авторами, редакторами, дизайнерами, экспертами, лидерами мнений. Помогаю бизнесам общаться со своими аудиториями, доносить ценности брендов, сильные стороны продуктов. Слова, превращенные в текст и дошедшие до своей аудитории, умеют творить чудеса: вдохновлять, пугать, продавать, восхищать, даровать покой или звать на подвиг. Создавать такие чудеса и есть моя профессия.

Показать креативность и необычность мышления.
Опыт работы
  • PR

    Course fee (basic equipment included)
  • Организатор

    To deliver lectures and masterclasses during the course
  • Хедхантер

    Course duration (one day off included)
  • Журналистика

    Average number of people in a group
Профессиональные навыки

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, book designer, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Личные качества

Visual aids are often used to help audiences of informative and persuasive speeches understand the topic being presented. Visual aids can play a large role in how the audience understands and takes in information that is presented.
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