Заповедник "Хакасский", участок "Озеро Белё"
Это не простая база отдыха, это особое место соприкосновения человека с заповедником
в тишине и единении с природой.
Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction. Planning ahead is important when using visual aids.
It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience. The purpose of the visual aid is to enhance the presentation.

Виктор Непомнящий
директор хаповедника
В гостях у заповедника
Every block is perfectly balanced to make the reading an enjoyable experience.
When it goes to content delivery, you want it as effective as possible. We've made a lot of blocks to suit any kind of content. Which allows you to present things exactly as they should be - stylish and easily digestable. We've taken care of all typographic elements: set the line length, leading, font sizes. We love typographic composition and we know how to rock it.
A passion for exploration and adventurous spirit are at the core of our philosophy. We offer a variety of exclusive guided tours to new destinations that are yet to to discovered by tourists. Join us on a group or custom tour.
Условия и услуги
A passion for exploration and adventurous spirit are at the core of our philosophy. We offer a variety of exclusive guided tours to new destinations that are yet to to discovered by tourists. Join us on a group or custom tour.
Экскурсии и достопримечательности
A passion for exploration and adventurous spirit are at the core of our philosophy. We offer a variety of exclusive guided tours to new destinations that are yet to to discovered by tourists. Join us on a group or custom tour.
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с отоплением
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Coffee and lunch
All pdf material on e-mail
Individual consulting
Часто задаваемые вопросы
(3902) 35-22-04, 32-86-70, +79020117454,
Александр (сотрудник заповедника)

Оформления турпутевок
  • Туристическая компания Дискавери, +7 (3902) 357-357
  • Туристическая компания ООО «СаяныЭкоТур», +7 (3902) 23-40-90
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